MSP: definition, function, principle of operation and causes of failure

MSP (Maserati Stability Program) is an electronic stability control that used in Maserati vehicles. It stabilizes the vehicle's body when steering and driving on slippery surfaces.

How MSP works

The vehicle's actual driving path is calculated using the wheel speed, the yaw rate, the lateral and longitudinal acceleration and the pressure in the braking system. The desired direction is determined by the angle of the steering wheel and the position of the brake pedal. If the actual values ​​do not correspond to the driver's intentions, individual wheels are braked and engine torque is reduced. In this way, course and traction can be restored.

Unlike in normal mode, the system intervenes less in driving in sport mode. Only the brakes serve to stabilize the vehicle body. This allows for more maneuvering options, such as controlled skidding. When driving on loose surfaces, it is recommended to turn off the MSP by pressing button A on the center console.

Popular Maserati models with MSP

  • 4200 GT
  • Ghibli M157
  • Gransport
  • Levante M161
  • Gran Turismo

Causes for defects

  • Defective ABS sensor
  • Empty battery
  • Oxidized contacts of the ABS hydraulic unit
  • Defective oxygen sensor
  • Damaged wiring of the yaw rate sensor
  • Defective ignition coil.